Interactions and Interdependence:

  • Examine the various kinds of organizations that humans establish as a means of systematically meeting their needs and wants.
  • Analyze the political processes that are necessary within society to resolve differences about decisions made for society.
  • Evaluate the impact of conflicting ideologies on societies.

Dynamic Relationships:

  • Examine the regulations of social organizations.
  • Understand the beliefs and values of a society will affect its social, political, and economic organization.
  • Analyze how and why nations ally with other nations.

Power and Authority:

  • Examine the competing interest groups in society, and how each works to satisfy their needs and wants.
  • Examine the role of global interdependence and evaluate the ongoing effort to resolve disputes between nations.

Resources and Wealth:

  • Examine the role of economics and its effect on society and its citizens.
  • Analyze standard of living and how it affects quality of life issues
  • Examine the economic paradigms in which an economy can be organized to make decisions about production.
  • Investigate the relationship between resource production and international trade.