Math 18 Course Outline

Math 18 Course Outline Number Sense, Operations, Fractions, Decimals, Percent,  Time,  Geometry & Measurement,  Graphs and  Consumer Math Outcomes Number Strand N18.1 Demonstrate an understanding of whole numbers to 1 000. N18.2 Represent, compare, and describe whole numbers to 1 000 within the contexts of place value and the base ten system. N18.3 Demonstrate an understanding of

Native Studies 30 Course Outline

Native Studies 30 Ms. White   Areas of Study and Outcomes DYNAMIC RELATIONSHIPS NIN30.1 Determine the influence of worldview on the choices decisions, and interactions in society NIN30.2 Examine justice, education and health from an Aboriginal perspective   INTERACTIONS AND INTERDEPENDANCE NDR30.1 Analyze the diverse and dynamic relationship between Aboriginal people and the land NDR30.2

Life Skills 18

Life Transitions 18 Life Skills is a class that focuses on the transition from school to work. We will explore topics that will engage students and will help them be independent after high school. The outcomes/topics are: The student will be able to demonstrate Social and Communication Skills by using Telephone Skills. The students will be

English Language Arts A18

English Language Arts A18 The goals of all alternative education classes are to help students plan their future with confidence, responsibility and independence. Students will develop their communication skills.  Six strands of communication (listening, speaking, viewing, representing, reading and writing) will be taught. Topics: Identity: Getting to Know Myself Community: My Home and Family Social

Science 11 Course Outline

Course Outline for Grade 10 Alternative Education Science 11 The following are the topics we will be covering in this course. Order may vary. Chemical Reactions Observe common chemical reactions Represent chemical reactions symbolically Identify characteristics of chemical reactions Identify factors that affect the rates of chemical reactions Investigate chemical reactions involving acids and bases