Wildlife Management 20 Course Outline Mr. Fetch
The Wildlife Management curriculum guidelines are designed to stimulate an awareness of the importance of wildlife in the daily life of an individual and for society as a whole. Modules of study will be flexible and allow students to build on their own knowledge to create new understandings. Students will be provided with the opportunity for success through a blending of theory and practical experience achieved in and out of school. The activities and theory are intended to lead to an understanding of career development opportunities and hobbies in the field of wildlife appreciation and management.
*Adapted from https://www.edonline.sk.ca/bbcswebdav/library/curricula/English/Practical_And_Applied_Arts/Wildlife_Management_10_20_30_2001.pdf
Students are expected to:
- be on time(class starts at 12:25)
- be prepared for class; binder, pen, pencil…
- complete assignments and get missed assignments from the teacher
Attending class and completing the work will mean you will be very successful.
The course will include but will not be limited to knife safety and knife work, camping, birds of Saskatchewan, fish of Saskatchewan, poaching, hunting safety, furs, and a final creature creation.
You will be graded on a scale of 1-4 from rubrics on assignments.